Does it look to you like this iceberg has a barcode? I wonder if it's for sale?
After my Titanic post this seemed a good continuation!
The weather in Antarctica is the coldest it has been for years! So much for global warming! And here in NZ we have had the coldest winter in a decade (but they don't really know what cold is, in Auckland)
My friend Miriam was sent these awesome pictures of icebergs floating in the Antarctic waters - whole waves frozen in mid-air, because it's so cold!
I so want to be the person standing on that berg! Next place to visit, before it's gone, Antarctica!

Scientists monitoring satellite images of the Antarctica have seen a huge berg the size of the Isle of Man, which has broken away from the ice-shelf in recent days - and is still on the move. Watch out when that reaches us!
Only about one-tenth of an iceberg is visible above water making them dangerous to manoeuvre around, as the ill-fated Titanic discovered, and the largest ever recorded towered a whopping 551ft above sea level, roughly the height of a 55-storey building. They’re also capable of travelling an astounding 17 kms (11 miles) a day.

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