Went up to the Waitakeres this weekend and on a tramp to the Upper Nihotupu Dam.
It was greener than green, and hanging trees of kowphai in flower were filled with squabbling tuis!

There were remnants of olden days and railway carrier rusted relics along the side of the path. The waterfalls were white and frothy and made a huge noise - but this time no-one was swimming there as it's a little cold still.

At the bottom of the walk was the dam one side, the lake the other! Quite a drop on the valley side! Yet so peaceful on the other.. We had our picnic and giant cookies for the walk back!

Then we headed further up the coast for coffee and more giant ferns (all going through a mad growth spurt at the moment!)
Once again the sun shone and we ventured to my favourite haunt - Piha.
The black, volcanic sand has started warming up in the sun, the breakers were huge because it was low tide and the surfers were there in their dozens!
Lion rock looked hazy because of the spray and Greg and Sophia clambered round to The Gap and back along the clifftop. I soaked up some rays on the beach and watched folk drown and get pounded by the waves!
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