The ferries stop running their usual routes and are given over for the day to the public - and they venture to areas forbidden to shipping usually. We boarded on a gorgeous day and went for a ferry ride around the ports and the terminals.

There were some amazing views of Auckland and plenty of photo opportunities for Sky Tower as you've never seen it before. The weather heated up rapidly and we were glad we'd brought the sunblock!

The Seafood Festival tents were lined up along the dock and we could see the floating bridges being put into place and the bottles of wine being put out for everyone, in anticipation of their arrival.

There were some interesting ships moored up, including a Japanese 'research' station (just as well Jess wasn't there or she'd have boarded it!)

The ferries were full and when we got back to the quay, the next lot of eager spectators was waiting. I hadn't thought it would be so popular.

The cranes and machinery were huge and impressive - it seemed strange to think that our container, with all our worldly goods had come this way, only 5 years ago. Hasn't time flown!

Then off to find the seafood, wine and a decent coffee. On the way there were plenty of 'street artists, musicians and displays to celebrate the day.

Of course, the anniversary is to celebrate the arrival of William Hobson, later the first Governor of New Zealand, in the Bay of Islands in 1840.Just another thing to thank the British for!