The word 'tips' originated in the English Coffee Houses of the 17thC.
If you wanted prompt service and a good table at the cafe you put money in the box labelled 'To Insure Prompt Service'!!
The word coffee comes from 3 words used in the 17thC 'coava', 'cova' and 'kahwah'

The most severe punishment for drinking coffee was being sewn into a leather bag and tossed alive into the sea.
Cappuccino is an 18thC word that we now use for a type of coffee. It came from the Capuchin order of friars in Europe. They wore, as part of their habit, a long, pointed hood called a 'cappuccio' ( this was the colour of the coffee) The first use of this word in relation to coffee was in 1948.

October 1st is the official Coffee Day in Japan.
Beethoven was a coffee lover and used 60 beans exactly, for each cup he made.
Johann Bach wrote a piece of music called the 'Coffee Cantata'.

Honore de Balzac, the famous 19thC French writer, drank 40 cups of coffee a day.

Voltaire drank over 50 cups!
Perhaps coffee is a 'think drink'!
We have the 'Mad Butcher' what about...

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